Why White Gifts?

Some say it all began about 1,000 years ago in the mighty kingdom of Cathay – where there ruled a rich and powerful king called Kubla Khan. Unlike many kings, Kubla Khan was generous and wise. He treated the rich and the poor alike and was especially kind to children. One year, his subjects decided to hold a great birthday party for him to honor him as their king. They knew that he treated all his people the same, so they decided that all the gifts, to be presented, would be wrapped in white so they would all look the same.

On the king’s birthday, some were able to bring only a handful of rice – but it was wrapped in white. Others brought beautiful ivory and precious jewels, but these too were wrapped in white. All the gifts looked the same, and when the king unwrapped them he appreciated them all equally, because he knew that each gift was given with the same degree of love and devotion as the next. On White Gifts Sunday, when we present our white gifts during worship, we will follow this spirit of equality and devotion as we honor the birth of the King of Kings, the Christ-Child, by giving to him what we can. And we know that he will use our gifts to help others, regardless of their station in life, because he loves us all the same, completely and unconditionally.

White Gifts 2024

Our church’s annual White Gifts program continues to carry out our mission of providing much-needed Christmas gifts for the social services and ministries we have faithfully partnered with for decades, so that they can offer Christmas gifts to the people they serve. Many of these gifts go to adults and youth who are homeless or in transition due to domestic violence, injustice, and/or circumstances beyond their control. Now, more than ever, the importance of these gifts cannot be overstated.


Instead of purchasing and wrapping gifts, those who wish to participate in White Gifts can donate monetary contributions. Our savvy shoppers will then use the available funds collected to purchase suitable gifts. Our partner agencies submit a gift request form so we know what their needs are. This also saves you from having to shop, wrap, and wonder if you are buying the right gifts. All gifts will be pre-sorted according to each agency before White Gifts Sunday when agencies will pick them up to be distributed. In years past we have given 800-1200 gifts, shared between 8-10 agencies.


Submit your monetary donation by December 13.

Donate online:


You may click the link above to give directly to the White Gifts project! If donating online through any other Central Union giving link via our Tithe.ly giving platform, such as clicking the green “GIVE NOW” button, please make sure to select “White Gifts” as the donation cause in the drop-down menu so your donation is directed accordingly.

Donate by cash or check:

Make payable to Central Union Church. IMPORTANT: On the memo line, be sure to write “White Gifts” so your donation is directed accordingly.

You may put your labeled cash/check donation in the offering plate on Sundays OR mail it to the church:

Central Union Church
Accounting Office
1660 S. Beretania Street
Honolulu, HI 96826

Reminder: Only monetary donations can be accepted.

Mahalo for helping us bring Christmas joy to the most vulnerable in our community. God bless you!

White Gifts Sunday will be on December 15 and we will hold our much-loved Christmas Pageant at the 9 AM worship service. (There will not be the typical “parade of gifts” as in years past as we cannot accept gift items.)

Christmas Pageant 2023