Join us for worship!
Central Union Church gathers for worship in a number of different ways, places, and times. You are always welcome to worship with us! Our worship services include music, reading of scripture, a message, prayer.
To view/download the worship bulletin, CLICK HERE
- 7 AM Traditional Worship in Atherton Memorial Chapel
- 9 AM Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
- 11(ish) AM Contemporary Worship in the Parish Hall
- 10 AM Central Union Windward Ministry Worship @ Windward Campus
(38 Kaneohe Bay Drive, Kailua, HI 96734) - 11 AM Pohnpei Ministry Worship in Atherton Memorial Chapel
In the Pohnpeian language. NOT held on the first Sunday of the month as the Pohnpei Ministry joins the 9 AM worship service.
In a typical worship service, there is often music, congregational singing, responsive readings, reading of scripture, a sermon by a minister, offering, communion on certain Sundays, prayer. There is always a bulletin to follow with the order of service and all the words you’ll need to participate. Bulletins are handed out as you enter the worship space. OR you can find them online at or by scanning the QR code available near the entrance.
- If you’re coming from the west side, take the Punahou Exit
- If you’re coming from the east side, take the Wilder Exit
Where do I park?
There are several options for parking on campus:
- Punahou Street parking lot (closest to Atherton Chapel and Sanctuary)
- Beretania Steet parking lot (right outside the Thrift Shop, closer to Parish Hall; must enter via Beretania Street which is one-way)
- The Great Lawn (may be parked on ONLY during Sunday worship)
- Note: A one-way driveway lane goes through our campus from Beretania Street to Punahou Street. There are several marked handicap areas along the driveway.
Where do I go once I’m on campus?
- 7 AM worship service is in Atherton Memorial Chapel, the smaller church building on the left, Ewa side of the campus
- 9 AM worship service is in the Sanctuary, the largest church building in the center
- 11 AM worship service is in the Parish Hall, on the inside of the campus
- 10 AM online worship service can be accessed live through Zoom or Facebook
- The Pilgrim Chapel is also open throughout the week for silent individual prayer
What and when is communion?
Communion is typically offered on the first Sunday of the month. At Central Union Church, ALL are welcome to take communion! No matter who you are, where you’re from, what you have or have not done, you are welcome to the table and invited to partake. In the sacrament of Holy Communion, also called the Lord’s Supper or Eucharist, meaning “thanksgiving,” Christians hear, taste, touch and receive the grace of God revealed through Jesus Christ in a unique way. A minister will bless the elements of bread and wine (grape juice), representing the crucified and risen Christ, and invite all to partake in the meal. Often we do communion by intinction, where people come up through the aisles to take a piece of bread and dip it in grape juice. We know this all can seem a bit strange! If you don’t know what to do, no worries. Follow someone near you, ask a neighbor, or just observe! (Learn more about communion in the United Church of Christ.)
Do I have to give an offering?
Sharing of our financial resources is an important part of the Christian lifestyle. There is often a time when offerings are collected during the services by ushers who will pass a collection plate through the rows. You are not at all required to give. If you choose to give in response, you may place cash or check in the offering plate. There are also offering envelopes available in the pews if you’d like to enclose your gift. If you provide your name and address, our accounting department can acknowledge your donation. You may also give online.
What’s available for children and youth?
We fully welcome children and youth in our worship services! Keiki are an integral part of our ‘ohana and we celebrate the joy they bring—cries, sighs, whispers, giggles, and all! Our 9 AM service typically includes a Time with Keiki when all children are invited to go up front, up the chancel steps, for a short message before heading to Sunday School with our Director of Children’s Ministry.
- Nursery: For birth to age 3 during the 9AM and 11AM worship services
- Sunday School: For Kindergarten through 5th grade during the 9AM and 11AM worship services
- Youth Group: For 6th through 12th graders; gathers on Sundays at 11AM (meet in 11 AM service)
Safety procedures for in-person worship
As of March 27, 2023, masks are now optional on campus. Read masking policy update.