Today, as we end our week focused on compassion, we begin a lifetime of enacting compassion. One of the questions we must answer is who is worthy of compassion? Who is deserving of God’s compassion as well as our own? Sadly, too many have found ways to justify their exclusivity of who is worthy and unworthy. Certainly this is not the way of Christ!
Psalm 145:8-9 says it plainly—
The Lord is merciful and compassionate, very patient, and full of faithful love.
The Lord is good to everyone and everything; God’s compassion extends to all his handiwork!”
I invite you to spend time with this passage. If we are a people who dare to proclaim to follow the way of Christ, passages such as these must become the basis for our actions. I trust the Spirit will stir you as you contemplate the ways of God and allow that same Spirit to take you as you are, like a beautiful piece of clay, and mold you into a reflection of God’s way.