“Zechariah’s voice pours out of him, parting the surrounding crowd like the Red Sea, stirring each person into confusion and bewilderment. The blessing of his song spills over to his son, who is held tenderly by his mother.

Elizabeth is the only person in this scene who is not presently swept up in wonder. I believe Elizabeth has spent months allowing herself to be amazed… And so, when Zechariah’s voice returns, Elizabeth’s senses have not grown dull. Instead, her amazement has metabolized into something new: attunement for her child. It has transformed into love and deep trust. It has turned into joy. When we allow ourselves to be amazed, we might be surprised what that wonder can turn into.”

— from the artist statement for “What Wonder Turns Into” by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity | @sanctifiedart

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“Advent” comes from the Latin word adventus which means “coming”. The season of Advent is the first season of the Christian church year and encompasses the four weeks leading up to Christmas. It is a season of waiting and preparing for the coming of Christ on Christmas, which lasts for 12 days until Epiphany (January 6).

This Advent, we will be going through a series titled How does a weary world rejoice? created by A Sanctified Art. We hope these daily meditations will accompany and inspire you on your Advent journey!

You can view the FULL devotional booklet (with art, reflections, prayers) HERE.