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Join us for a time of Bible study, learning, and discussion with our guest teacher, Rev. Dr. Donald Schmidt, who is a leading voice in progressive studies of our scriptures! Pastor Donald will invite us to read the texts anew and listen for what our Stillspeaking God is saying to us today. Each study will stand on its own and ALL are welcome, so come as you are able!
February 4 – “Surprising Stories of New Testament Women”
February 18 – “What the Bible Says (and Doesn’t Say) about Easter”
Donald Schmidt recently retired after some 40 years in active parish ministry, so he could devote himself full-time to his first love: telling the stories of the Bible. In that process – which he tends to fill with humour and a sense of wit – Schmidt is eager to point out to it that often what we think – or have been told – the Bible says is not in fact always the real story. In a series of books (10 so far) written for progressive Christians, Donald Schmidt invites us to lay aside traditional understandings and read the Bible with fresh eyes and an open heart. Schmidt has served churches in Canada and the US and also served for a time in staff with the Hawai‘i Conference United Church of Christ. He currently lives in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada.

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