Central Union Church’s Children’s Ministry is excited to invite keiki from ages 3 through grade 5 to Compassion Camp, an exciting opportunity to learn more about compassion and how to share God’s love with others!
Compassion Camp is a half-day program scheduled for the week of July 24-28 on the church campus. Daily times (likely 9 AM – 12 PM) will be confirmed. Activities include Bible Stories, crafts, games, and a community service project. A suggested donation of $40 per child is appreciated.
Registration will close once Compassion Camp has reached capacity or on June 15 (whichever comes first). Register online at bit.ly/compassion2023cuc. Confirmations with additional information will be emailed within 7-10 business days of submitting the online registration form.
If you are interested in volunteering at Compassion Camp, contact our Director of Children’s Ministry, cayanna-herrera@centralunionchurch.org.
Keep our keiki in prayer this week as they grow in compassion!
View a few photos from Compassion Camp 2022!