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Taste and See: Cultivating Attentiveness with Our Senses

Lent is a season of reflection, repentance, and preparation as we prepare for the new life celebrated on Easter Sunday. In our busy culture, the Lenten season is a gift. It offers us a time to slow down, breathe deep, and focus on our spiritual practices – those habits that draw us nearer to God and help us to sense the Spirit’s movement in our lives. After three years of pandemic in our world and much transition in our church, we can all benefit from intentional time to “practice the presence of God,” to borrow a phrase from Brother Lawrence.

Join us during the midweek from 6:30-8:00 PM in the Women’s Building! We will share a simple meal with discussion led by Pastor Mary and Pastor Dave, and we’ll learn tangible exercises to help us cultivate attentiveness to God. All are welcome! Each week’s gathering stands alone, so come whenever you are able.

Third Wednesday
THEME: Present to God through Hearing
TEXT: Psalm 95, Psalm 29:4 “The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.”

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