Today, I’d like to share a poem with you. This poem reminds me that in my feeble attempts to understand the Divine Mystery that we call God, I often impose limits. I’d like God to fit in a neat and tidy box – one that I can understand and that makes me comfortable. Yet that is not who God is. God is far beyond our human comprehension and all of our imaginations fall short. I love this poem because it stretches me to think about God, revealed in Jesus Christ, in new ways, with new metaphors that are unfamiliar and sometimes unsettling. May it encourage us all to remember how small our perspective truly is.
“Seeker, Teacher, Friend”
By Jim Burklo
(Can be sung to the tune of “Fairest Lord Jesus”Seeker of justice, turner of tables
One who made sure that the poor were fed
Land for the landless, home for the homeless
And baskets filled with fish and bread.Friend of the friendless, lover of the enemy,
Love that conventions cannot contain,
Boundless compassion, put into action
For peace beyond all selfish aims.Mystical teacher, lover of the Holy One
Faithful beyond any rites or creeds
One with creation, in adoration
Revealed in humble prayers and deeds.Storm-riding mariner, death-defying leader
With you in courage we seek to stand
Stilling the waves of fear, through chilling winds we steer
Till on that peaceful shore we land.Hearer of children, healer of the broken ones
Finder of truth in what some despise
Touch the untouchable, love the unlovable
Till finally we see through your eyes.Breaker of holy bread, pourer of sacred wine
Ours are the hands that will serve your feast,
This bread is food indeed, this wine is what we need
To let the Spirit be released.