A Fable…A child once asked, ‘Why did God create the world?’ And with that, his sagacious grandfather invited him into the wonder of the greatest story ever told…
God was dwelling in the forever and an idea suddenly filled his mind. ‘I wonder, what if I painted the most beautiful picture one has ever imagined.’ With that, God spoke of a void that needed something to fill it. Suddenly a sphere appeared, then another, and another, and another. The creative burst of God’s imagination filled the void with each utterance.
Then, on this one sphere, God began to paint with hues never seen before! There was contrast to highlight the beauty and dwell in the mystery; there were deep blues and turquoise; there were shades of green and brown. It was remarkable! God saw that this sphere was able to produce and sustain life, so God kept on speaking…
Erupting from that deep blue, came a whale breaching for the first time; then a pod of dolphins jumping for joy; then gulls that floated above to watch the dance of life below. In pure wonder, God would speak and life appeared.
Then God looked upon the land and spoke of a lumbering elephant trumpeting the joyous news of life; a pack of dogs howling the praise of life; even the sloth that seemed to never fully awake! Rejoicing in this creation, God saw the goodness of all that is and suddenly had an epiphany—what if the last word were ones with words!
And there, in the midst of this wondrous creation, we were born. Life breathed into still nostrils; hearts beating with purity; eyes opened to the words which had been uttered before. Listen closely, my child, to my beating heart…what do you hear? It sounds like lub dub. God put that rhythm there so each beat is two syllables—just like God’s name—Yahweh. The heart beats because of love and we hear it to be reminded that we are loved. Child, God made all that you see, all that you are, out of the purest love. And if you ever forget…just feel your chest with that double beat and know that it is the same beat that God’s heart has for you!