“Tell us, when will these things happen?” – Mark 13:4
Written by Rev. Brandon Durán
It’s called, “the little apocalypse.” In Mark 13, Jesus alludes to the destruction of Jerusalem. I imagine his wide-eyed disciples asking the question that would come naturally to most of us, “When?”
I seriously doubt Jesus’ response satisfied their curiosity. Jesus did not give a specific date or even a rough timeline. Jesus essentially said, “Hold on, and don’t lose faith.”
Jesus spoke of the challenges and trials ahead of them. He warned them of pitfalls and persecution. He said, “Don’t give up.”
I wonder how many of us at Central Union are eager for the next settled senior minister. Are we feeling anxious or worried? Are we asking the question, “When?!” It is the question on our heart but it is one that is unknowable. Perhaps, like those first disciples, Jesus is telling us, “Have faith.” It may get a bit bumpy in the transition. The unknown often feels longer than it actually is. There may be more difficult times ahead because of uncertainty. But God wants our mind to be at ease not because we have the answers to our questions but because we trust in the God who is bigger than our questions. Times of transition are powerful opportunities to build our trust in God.
At the end of “the little apocalypse” Jesus says to his disciples, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son.” Essentially, Jesus says to them, ‘I cannot give you what I don’t have.’ But in the next chapter, Jesus breaks bread and gives it to the disciples saying, “My body broken for you.” The peace they were seeking was not going to be found in data points or more information. The peace they sought needed to be found in Jesus himself.
As we await the next settled senior minister, let us keep our focus on Christ, the head of the church, the author and perfector of our faith, the one who has provided for Central Union for decades.