What might it mean to live from the heart? How might it change the way you encounter family, friends, strangers, enemies? To live from the heart is perhaps the hardest of challenges as we get in our own minds to frequently. I believe this idea is rooted in the belief that the Spirit is not only our advocate, our companion, but also our guide. As such, the Spirit won’t force us to live this way, only invite through nudges, opportunities and a ‘gut feeling’. Learning to discern that Spirit will take time to fine-tune it but it is always worth it.

Each week, we end our worship service with a simple song, which is actually a prayer. Our deep rooted belief is that as these words move from our head to our heart, we will awaken to the wonder of God’s presence everywhere! For, God isn’t a far off deity that only is attentive when we are attentive. No, God is in the flowers and the flying creatures; in the celestial dance and the rhythmic sea. God permeates all of creation and is present right now, right where you are.

And so I invite you to ponder these words and allow them to sink deep inside:
Christ beside me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ within me
Christ below me, Christ above me
Never to part!