E Komo Mai to CUC – Windward Ministry (CUW)


No matter who you are or where you are in life’s journey, you are welcome to Central Union Windward.

Located at 38 Kaneohe Bay Drive (across from Aikahi Shopping center), Central Union Windward (CUW) is easily accessible from Kailua (Pali Highway), Kaneohe (Likelike), Kaneohe Marine Base, Waimanalo and from the Leeward side via the beautiful H3 Freeway. If you are thinking that CUW is actually the old Windward United Church of Christ, you are correct! We’ve been reborn as a ministry of Central Union Church’s Honolulu. We’re a small congregation with big hearts and we love to sing!

OUR PURPOSE is to extend services of Central Union Church to the Windward O‘ahu community through regular worship services; operation of a Thrift Shop; blessing others through the Food Pantry program; providing Bible study, prayer and other spiritual development programs, and continue to provide meeting spaces for Windward recovery and various educational programs meeting needs in the community.

In the early 1950’s a great number of Central Union Church (CUC) members residing in Kailua and Kaneohe expressed their desire for a Congregational church in their neighborhood. CUC started with a church school program for children and a simple worship service. It was enthusiastically received and expanded so rapidly that at its meeting in January 1955, the CUC Board of Trustees approved a large increase in the budget to provide for the construction of Central Union Windward. Harold K. Castle donated 3.5 acres of land. The sanctuary was completed and dedicated in September 1956.

In 1963, CUC, true to its tradition of nurturing new churches, encouraged this congregation to become an independent organization. Thus, Windward United Church of Christ (WUCC) was born.

In 2018, WUCC determined that the best opportunity to continue the mission into the future and to evolve into a church that remains relevant in a changing landscape was to rejoin with CUC. The agreement and transfer were documented in August 2018. Upon receiving title to the property and other assets, CUC will continue the Mission under the name Central Union Windward (CUW).

Power and Authority

Unlike other CUC ministries that take place at the Honolulu campus, the Central Union Windward Ministry (CUW Ministry) encompasses the church buildings and grounds, including the sanctuary, office wing, classroom space, fellowship hall, kitchen, preschool rooms, parking lots, and a two-bedroom cottage. Making CUW a ministry recognizes autonomy while affirming that it is one piece of a much greater whole. By designating CUW as a ministry, we are recognized as part of the lay structure of CUC and have a responsibility as church members. Members of CUW have the same privileges and responsibilities as all members of Central Union Church.


Join us at 10:00 AM each Sunday. Check out the weekly E-blasts for when CUW will transition back from Zoom meetings to in-person services. CUW is known for:

· Uplifting sermons from Kahu Richard Walenta, retired UCC Pastor.
· Amazing music (a sermon in itself) from Dr. Thomas Yee.
· Time for sharing joys and concerns. God answers prayer: Every week we allow anyone who wants to share their joys and concerns for a full minute and follow-up with weekly prayer lists.

· Volunteers and lay ministers. We love ushers, greeters, lay readers, office angels, worship service participants, grounds keeping assistance and outreach volunteers. Got an idea on how you can contribute most? We are open to your ideas.


Online each Wednesday from 6:30-7:15 PM. ‘Be Still’ with us! Join Joda in a meditative time of Christian music, scripture, 10 minutes of reflective centering and group prayer. Refer to Zoom links in the weekly CUC Eblast or contact jodaderr@gmail.com prior to 6:15 PM that night to receive a direct link


COVID-19 safe food distribution on Wednesdays, 9-10 AM. Got free time Wednesday mornings? Volunteers needed!

Contact the church office served by our Office Angels at 254-3802 or CUWindward@gmail.com