Setting the Series
Today’s Readings: Romans 15:4 & Proverbs 27:17
Happy New Year! We pray that your holiday season was full of joy and light as we celebrated anew the coming of the Christ Child and entered into an exciting, new year.
As we begin the new year, we are also beginning a new devotional series. This year, in our daily devotionals, we will be reflecting on the characters in scripture. It will be a bit of a “Who’s who” and our hope is that it will help provide a way for you to read through a good portion of your Bible this year.
Studying the characters of scripture, though, isn’t just about Bible trivia. It’s not just knowing for the sake of knowing. We learn about the characters and their stories because we believe that they hold valuable lessons for us that can shape the way we live. As a friend of mine says, our faith ancestors can teach us “about who we are, who God is, and what we’ve got to do with each other.” We hope to learn from their faith and their doubting, their successes and their failures, and reflect on the way they treat one another. Our prayer is that we might be able to see a bit of ourselves in these faith ancestors, so that we might better understand ourselves, the decisions we make, and how we can live a life of faith. Let’s embark on this journey together!