Let it Flow
“Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21
I am fluent in gibberish. At least I was. My children have become much better in their diction and pronunciation. For a while there, syllables were jumbled, consonants and vowels were transposed, and prepositions were jettisoned. Of course, I loved it all. I loved hearing their voices work out their thoughts. It was difficult for anyone other than Janelle and I to understand. We understood because we lived with it. We would listen patiently, focus intently, and most importantly, our drive to understand was fueled by love.
In his parting words to this community that he has cared for like a nursing mother to a child (2:7-8) Paul encourages them to nurture the ability to listen to the Holy Spirit.
“Do not quench the Spirit” is another way of saying, “The Holy Spirit is calling out to you, sharing with itself with you, revealing God to you. Listen.”
The admonishment to not quench the spirit implies that the Holy Spirit seeks to grow within us and among us. It implies that the Spirit of God is actively looking for ways to flow into our heart, to renew our mind, to shape our words, and transform our day; this very day.
If you want to let the Spirit fill you and flow through you then I encourage you to consider the question, “Where do you hear love? What circumstance, friendship, work, or voice speaks of love in such a way that it touches your heart?”
Don’t be mistaken, love doesn’t always comfort. It sometimes calls us onto unknown or vulnerable paths. But it never abandons us. It never leaves us to walk alone.
Church, may we nurture our ability to hear the voice of love that affirms us, frees us, and calls us forward. Nurture the ability to hear love and you will never quench the Holy Spirit.