“Our soul waits for the LORD; he is our help and shield. Our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us, even as we hope in you.” – Psalm 33:20-22
Friends, let us enter a prayerful spirit as we read through Psalm 33. Find a quiet place, take a deep breath, center yourself and allow this poem to become your prayer.
The counsel of the Creator is eternal available to every generation.
Blessed are the nations that listen in silence and make decisions with Wisdom’s Counsel; Blessed are all the people who respond to Love’s Way.
For the Beloved dwells in every heart that is open and receptive; into our hand, into our hearts, does the Beloved surrender, that we might do with Love what we will.
Do we not know that the nations are not saved by military might just as generals are not saved by their own strength?
All such arms are the outward expression of greed in fearful hearts; they will reap only despair, death, and destruction.
Behold, the Love of the Beloved is stronger than ten thousand bombs, more to be desired than the wealth of all nations.
Do we not know that to dwell in the heart of the Beloved is the promise to every nation, the birthright of all people, and journey to life eternal?
Our soul yearns for the Beloved, for peace, joy, and assurance.
Then will our hearts be glad and sing songs of gratitude, praising the name of the Holy One!
May every nation come to live in the steadfast Spirit of Truth!
May all people work with Love Divine!