Wearing Gratitude Watch Alarm/Bracelet
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. – Colossians 4:2
Tom’s watch sounded an alarm at 3:23pm, every day. Whether he was in court, at rehearsal, consulting with a client, or out for a jog, his watch alarm would break into his day at 3:23pm, every day.
He set the alarm as a purposeful reminder to pause, if even for second, and be thankful. It was his defense against the tyranny of the urgent; his method for piercing the mundane and
reminding himself that in that moment there was still yet wonder in the world, there is still the hope of life, and there is something worth giving thanks for.
One night at a church event I noticed Peg fidgeting with her purple bracelet. She switched it from one wrist to the other with an intentional pause.
When I asked about her new accessory she said that the bracelet was a reminder to be more grateful. Every time she caught herself complaining she needed to switch it to the other wrist and think of two things she was grateful for.
In Deuteronomy the people of God are encouraged to “tie the law of God upon their arm” as a constant, physical reminder. We need reminders. Entire companies are built upon our forgetful nature.
This week consider incorporating an intentional physical reminder into your day. You could use an accessory with your wardrobe, an alarm on your phone, a symbol on your office, something that will reminder you to be alert to the gifts of God around you and within you. Something that will remind you to be thankful.
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.— Albert Einstein