LORD, in the morning you hear my voice. In the morning I lay it all out before you. Then I wait expectantly. Psalm 5:3
Prayer is enacting patience. For our timeline is never God’s timeline. Instead, God’s timeline ought to be ours as well. To pray is to wait in eager expectation knowing that in the right time, the due time, the prayer will be answered. And truth be told, the answer isn’t always our expectation, is it?
The Psalmist dares to imagine that he pours out his soul to God in the morning and then simply waits. He doesn’t seem very industrious, does he? He isn’t praying and then going and doing…making his own path through the wilderness. He is praying and allowing the prayer to percolate…to allow God to be at work, even in the not knowing of what God is actually doing. He is expectant that the faithfulness of God that has been on display throughout history will continue for God’s faithfulness never takes a break.
Today, what might you lay out before God? Sure, prayers for Aunties and friends are good…but what about the deeper stuff—unforgiveness, unknowing, loving an enemy, guiding the path? Today, practice the laying it all out before God—the good, the bad and the unknown—and then practice expectant waiting!