In each one’s journey, there are times where the prayers of others can be adopted to become the prayers for me.  For example, in the bulletin each week is a unison prayer that you could take home and use as a guide for your prayer that week.  Or, in the tradition of our faith, you could turn to the Psalms and discover a depth of prayers and imagery that captivate your imagination and put words to your feelings!

Today, I invite you to read Psalm 63:1-8.  The language of hunger and thirst often describe the deep desire and need of people.  It speaks to that yearning deep within and the desire to be full.  Perhaps you are in that place today, you long for God’s presence.  Perhaps you are in a place where you are rejoicing for God’s tangibility is on the tip of the tongue.  Or maybe, you are somewhere between these.

I invite you to practice an ancient form of prayerful reading, called Lectio Divina, or divine reading.  There are a few simple steps as shared by Contemplative Outreach—

Moment One: (Lectio) Read the Scripture passage for the first time. Listen with the “ear of your heart.” What phrase, sentence or even one word stands out to you? Begin to repeat that phrase, sentence or one word over and over, allowing it to settle deeply in your heart. Simply return to the repetition of the phrase, sentence or one word, savoring it in your heart.

Moment Two: (Meditatio) Reflect, relish the words. Let them resound in your heart. Let an attitude of quiet receptiveness permeate the prayer time. Be attentive to what speaks to your heart.

Moment Three: (Oratio) Respond spontaneously as you continue to listen to a phrase, sentence or word. A prayer of praise, thanksgiving or petition may arise. Offer that prayer, and then return to repeating the word in your heart.

Moment Four: (Contemplatio) Rest in God. Simply “be with” God’s presence as you open yourself to a deeper hearing of the Word of God.