I believe we all hunger for God. That hungering is often replaced with things like pleasure, comfort, riches, power, prestige, and busyness. Yet that eternal pang of the soul keeps inviting us to seek, and to know, God!
If you were to poll your family and friends, I would guess that each has contemplated the big questions of life—“Who is God?” “Why am I here?” “What is the point of this life?” “Am I loved?” In their pursuit, though not often expressed verbally, they are seeking solid ground for their lives. They are wanting to build their lives on the bedrock, not the shifting sand. And if they ever express these questions, among others, I wonder how you might talk with them of your own experience, faith, and trust in God?
There is a remarkable story in Acts 8 of one of the Apostles, Philip, being present to another with questions of faith and these scriptures. Read Acts 8:26-39. What you might have seen is this remarkable picture of a very powerful man reading from one of the Prophets and trying to understand what the words mean. Philip asks him if he understands and the man replies, “Without someone to guide me, how could I?” What a true statement! Philip becomes the guide to lead him into a deeper truth!
The Apostle Paul dares to say that you and I have been given the ministry of reconciliation, speaking on God’s behalf! We are invited to be guides to one another as we seek to know God, learn of God’s way and become disciples of Jesus in our world today. May you be a shining light to another along this winding path of life!