Please come – One and ALL, to meet and greet the newest recipients of the Kenneth and Doris Rewick Educational Fund and the Ruth C. Scudder Scholarship Fund.
The Women’s League would be THRILLED if ALL members of the congregation would come to meet these awardees. It would be a blessing to have these students come to know the fellowship and ‘ohana of Central Union Church that has made their grants and scholarships possible. Please save the date, drop in after/before worship to say hello, shake some hands, and have some refreshments. We only ask that you bring your WELCOMING SMILE!
The Women’s League of Central Union Church established an educational aid grant in 1968 and later renamed the fund to honor Senior Minister Dr. Kenneth Rewick and former Central Union Church Preschool Director Mrs. Doris Rewick.
The Rewick Educational Fund is awarded to students from Hawai‘i who are enrolled or accepted for enrollment in any accredited school for undergraduate or graduate college training or for other specialized training beyond high school. The students may be full time, part time, or on-line students.
The Ruth C. Scudder Scholarship Fund was established by the Women’s Society of Central Union Church in 1915 in memory of Mrs. Ruth C. Scudder, who was the wife of former CUC Pastor Dr. Doremus Scudder. This scholarship is awarded to a woman of Christian affiliation from Hawai‘i, with preference to the United Church of Christ, and who is a student in the University of Hawai‘i system, with preference being given to upperclassmen.
Both of these grants are awarded to students based on character, scholarship, evidence of financial need, and community service.